the problem of congestion traffic

3/31/2013 12:36:00 AM

There are two main problems that modern day cities face, namely urban decay when parts of the city become run down and undesirable to live in, and traffic congestion. Traffic congestion is caused by
  • Many people working in the C.B.D. which may have narrow streets
  • Shortage of off-street parking which means people park on the roads and so increase congestion
  • People not using public transport - either because it is less convenient, too expensive or not available
  • More people own and use cars

As an example of how bad traffic jams now are, a hundred years ago it took about one hour to travel from Paramatta to the centre of Sydney (Australia) by horse and cart. Today it takes longer by car. As well as causing aggravation stationary traffic cause severe air pollution from exhaust fumes. Various solutions to these problems have been tried.

  • Ring roads and by-passes; these can be unpopular as countryside around towns and cities are lost when they are built
  • Park and Ride - you park your car on the edge of the built up area and then ride a bus or train into the C.B.D.
  • One way streets to speed up traffic flow
  • Multi-storey car parks
  • Banning cars from the from the C.B.D., either with pedestrianised streets (e.g. Renfield Street in Glasgow) or by stopping them coming into the city centre at all. Cars are banned from the centre of Milan (Italy) on Sundays.
  • Charging car drivers when they enter the city centre

A complete solution to traffic congestion needs people to be able and willing to travel on public transport more.

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