(Sayed Chairul Umam)
Physic Engineering Department Technology of Institute Sepuluh Nopember, Keputih Sukolilo
E-mail : Sayedchairul_umam@yahoo.com
Physic Engineering Department Technology of Institute Sepuluh Nopember, Keputih Sukolilo
E-mail : Sayedchairul_umam@yahoo.com
Background of the Problems
Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline (TAGP) is the biggest ongoing project in ASEAN countries. Pipeline is
planned to fulfil the rising in demand of gas in ASEAN. Since this project is to connected every countries
in ASEAN together, despite having the agreement on the projects, many problems occur in the process.
There are four main problems which are Investment Cost, National Technical, Security Regulation, and
Supply Distribution Management. For Investment Cost, the master plan stated that 4500 kilometres of
pipelines are to be constructed mainly undersea which costs USD 7 billion. Secondly, permitting land
usage, human resource, and uninstalling pipeline are the three issues of National Technical. For Security
Regulation, the occurring troubles are security authorities, disasters, sabotage, and risk assessment.
Lastly, Shut-down Management and Supply-Demand management for ASEAN countries are the
problems of Supply Distribution Management. From all the problems mentioned above, the main cause
is Communication and cooperation. Therefore, Asean cannot work alone required a third party to make
ccoperation. Based on Trans-Caspians Gas Pipeline project experienced , the power of technology, the
economy and a good relationship then Russia can be the right choice for the partnership. aswe known,
russia-asean has some agreements like ASEAN – the Russian Federation Dialogue Partnership Financial
Fund (DPFF), ASEAN-Russian Federation Joint Cooperation Committee (ARJCC) and etc.