Gass Mass Flow Rate Optimization On Multi Gas Well System Using PIPESIM Software

12/31/2016 02:19:00 AM

Sayed Chairul Umam
Engineering Physic Departement
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Tehcnology
Surabaya, Indonesia

Gas mass flow rate into the surface known as the rate of gas production. A gas exploration location usually consist of gas wells, processing, and pipeline facilities. So the election proper wells required so that the output is not too small nor exceed the value of the rate of production wells. In other words, gas wells must be maintained to match production targets. , if too much gas mass is produced, it will be re-pumped back into the well or burn it as flare. Reversely, if gas mass flow rate reduce, it will cause reduce the gas production, moreover it will trigger compressor trip. Therefore, the consistency of gas mass flow rate is important.This will be complicated if a gas production wells that had vary of characterized mass and properties.  Hence, the optimization of gas mass flow rate by manipulated the mass flow rate at each well is required. In the optimization require three component namely as follows:
1. Piping modeling
2. Problem formulation (objective function)
3. Optimization

On previous research, multiphase flow through wellhead restrictions  two sets of new correlations are presented for high flow rate[1]. Nodal system analysis to find the pressure loss in the pipeline with ranged of  loses error 16.65%-46.24% at one well [2]. In this research, it will be used BeggsBrill methods and the Gilbert correlation to find out the value of the mass flow rate and pressure drop at each well (15 wells). The Beggs-Brill equation is utilized to model the gas mass flow rate and pressure drop from wells until header and separator. Another model is choke flow using Gilbert correlation that regulated gas mass flow rate and affect the pressure drop So, the purpose of this reserach to find value of  mass flow rate at each well with the relationship between the mass flow rate against pressure drop. And then be compared with the nodal system analysis on Pipesim as validation. Nodal analysis system created a graph of the relationship between the inflow performance relations (IPR) and outflow performance relations (OPR) at a point to locate the operating point by insert data the results of the methods


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