AEC 2015 : Awaiting Preparation Or Losses ?

8/29/2014 12:09:00 AM

AEC 2015 : Awaiting Preparation Or Losses 
by : chairul bin muhammad 

Indonesia is the largest country in Asean with almost over 240 million people. we are the biggest potential market in Asean. 2015, We’re face with reality that has been agreed upon by the Asean leader to form alliances become more closely in Asean United is Asean Economic Community (AEC) 2015. So, what’s that AEC 2015 ?  Generally, AEC will facilitate Asean region further integration into the global economy, social, cultural and many sector related with create conditions to foster economic development and inclusion. When it is fully operational, the AEC will feature a single market where goods, services, capital and skilled labor will flow more freely. Its mean is investors can invest anywhere in Asean Region and also  Workers can go work out from their country in in Asean  with no tight restriction like before. Of course, Competition will be difficult  who are not well prepared to face AEC 2015 including in all sector  economic, social, cultural, political and many others.

The big question is ARE WE READY ? in the fact,  indonesia has unique identity and different condition than other asean countries. Its not about preparation or wait for ready to fight with globalization and be the best in Asean. Let see the real condition in our country , asean countries and around us. In economic sector, unfortunately the economic growth between asean countries isnot same level. Make comparison like Indonesia – Singapore or Laos – Indonesia. And how about their potential like natural resource, local product, tourism to support economic development in area. Do you think that’s fair to compare our potential with them ? Of course not! we will lose the economic sovereignty of other nations, and then The Indonesian market is very large, while the other Asean countries have a very small market. Its Unbalanced relationship. Not just that, Majority of Asean Countries  that are still far
more retarded than Indonesia. These countries will weigh on Indonesia, which should focus on disadvantaged areas in our country. And we had get impact from this case  like in 2010, AFTA  have hampered the progress of Indonesian industry because the industry can be built in other countries, while most products sold in Indonesia. Im still not give argument about political crisis can give impact to our ecomic sector. So, whats your choice  ? ASEAN or Indonesia ?

In Social and cultural sector. Its one of main problem which the most of indonesian still not aware and care about AEC war in 2015. Im sure 100% most of Indonesian don’t know about this issue. Indonesia has difficult task for make our people know about AEC War. You can see indonesia have 5 big island and the “educated people” say “we ready for AEC 2015” what’s the parameter ? I think their perception from java economic condition. What about others island and province ? Aceh, Papua ? only just two answer “ increase or decrease” in many sector related with social life. And the next  How about cultural ? lets see we still have conflict in cultural like malaysia – indonesia, thailand – cambodia and lets think about our asean mindset ? most of Asean more prefer korea, japan, europe or america culture. And we havent a good friendship between us to explore and learn cultural each other because our awareness remains low. Im not sure our government had make good preparation to ready for AEC. There’s no promotion, socialization and protection to face war and the system still same until now. In reality, Indonesian character always be consumer and AEC will make us always be like that. No innovation, No change because the system always make investment , dealmakers, governments and foreigner will win in our country. What we have done ? we just silent in comfortable zone. That’s one of our indonesian lifestyle. Example, in our college ITS how much student  aware and care about this issue ? how much student make well prepare to face AEC ? how about our english skill in our campus ? how many people live around ITS campus know about AEC ? so, Whats your Expectation of AEC ? economic invation, social cultural exploration ? potential exploitation ? just ask to your self about our indonesia people fate specially “ uneducated people”.

What we can do ? first, believe in Indonesia potential in all of sector. The governmennt, society, invesment must make a protection and cultivate our potential including marine, land, air and many others potential to make our economic always  stabilize to increase development, progress and prosperity for our destiny in the future. Pride be indonesian not always just watch and silent in comfort zone  but make innovation, change to our sector i.e economic, social, cultural to give positive impact to our nation. Keep focus to make green economy more progress and get benefit in many sector and also we must think about blue economy too right now. blue economy which has existed green economy before would become one of “key and solution” for problem and challenge in the future. There five principle to make this all of system can be  success 1. Integrated, 2. Region based, 3. Creative and innovative investigation, 4. Clean and 5. Sustainable production system.
As a Indonesian sepecially college student, I’m aware about large expendatures but the revenue will be greater. And we have responsibility to campaign about important potential of Indonesia. We hope the feedback is expected to be source of progress, prosperity for our society and also source of the nations largest economy. Nowdays, we must pursue the challenge and play with the flow to get the best result for the life of the nation.

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